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Hey! I'm Jordan, I'm an entrepreneur and I have an obsession with challenging myself and pushing my limits. I came from a 'working-class' family and had an average upbringing, but I knew from a young age that I wanted to work for myself and was drawn towards Entrepreneurship.


It all started in primary school, I would buy, swap and sell anything that I could get my hands on! video games, playing cards, sweets etc.

As time progressed and I matured, I started to take business very seriously and dedicated myself to learning and gaining as much experience and skill as possible.





Growing up I faced many challenges and obstacles, both mentally and in my surroundings, so I know how hard life can be. I was lucky enough to have gained mentors and role models that helped to keep me on the right track and teach me 'the way'.


Now I'm fortunate enough to be in a position where I own several business and investments and I feel like I have full control over my life!


I'm not a fan of the 9-5 lifestyle, living from payday to payday and having just enough to last you until the end of the month.





Most people are overworked but underwhelmed, I don't think we should spend our whole lives working to make other people's dreams come true, leaving us with no time or energy to work on our own!


The rat-race trap: Go to school... then college... then university... then get a 'good job'... take out a mortgage... work there for the rest of your life, with a group of colleagues all fighting over one  promotion... Retire when you're 65, then you can enjoy yourself...








I'm sorry to be so dramatic, but average life expectancy is 80 years old, that only leaves you 15 years where you have control over your time and your lifestyle and let's be honest, at this age you won't even have enough energy to make the most of it!




We should have the freedom to do what we want, when we want, to be successful and enjoy it whilst we are in our prime! - of course, it's easier said than done but with the right support, strategy and work ethic you can achieve anything in life.


I've made it my missions to support and empower others on their journey, I do this through my speeches, seminars, workshops and 1-1 coaching programs. My ultimate goal is to live a highly successful and fulfilling life and help millions of people across the world do the same thing!

"Jordan is both bold and brave, an inspiring young man and a dynamic speaker"

Alice Bernard: CEO

Peter Jones Enterprise Academy

"working 1-1 with Jordan has been great, it's really changed the way I look at life and made me a motivated person!"

Sam Young:
University Student

If you want to live a more successful and fulfilling life ASAP, feel free to join my newsletter below and I'll share new things that I am learning and keep you updated on my events, many of which are free to attend!


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